
Share a great moment whether it`s with
friends, family, outdoor or indoor

Think of your best moments. Are you exhausted and in front of the stove? Of course not. You may enjoy cooking but not day in day out. Spending time with the family versus 'doing time' for them in the kitchen - there’s a difference! We would love to hear how you spend your quality time. Share a great moment whether it’s with friends, family, alone, outdoor or indoors. Help inspire others about the importance of a quality moments as defined by you.

44TH Street

265 Garyray Dr, North York, Ontario, M9L 1P2 Canada Write A Moment
By jemrah1 Moments

44th Street Moment Escaping with a Good Book

An Escape from Real Life


my favourite moments are when the house is quiet and I can get cozy with a great story !  I love to read! It is my way of escaping from the world's stresses

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