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44TH Street

265 Garyray Dr, North York, Ontario, M9L 1P2 Canada Write A Recipe
By Hien0302 Recipes

Classic Pot Roast Dinner with a Twist!

Beef with fish sauce


44th Street Roast Beef 

1/2 Cup of Brown Sugar

1 cup of Fish sauce

½ cup of water / Mix Fish sauce, sugar and water

3 Cloves of Garlic / Chopped  1. Heat the oil in large saucepan, fry the garlic till turning gold, take them all out 2. Add the mixture of sugar, fish sauce, and water, boil until seeing big bubbles

3. Add the roast beef and heat through, mix thoroughly, adding fried garlic before taking out Cooking time is approximately 5 mins. Best served with rice.

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